Kaddish for Every Jewish Soul

Magen Rachel provides for FREE:

Kaddish and Mishnayot recited daily for the first 30 days after the passing of a loved one (until the shloshim).

If you are interested in this service please enter your name and email address in the box in the right sidebar and we will contact you for the Hebrew name of your loved one. As soon as we have the information we will have Kaddish and Mishnayot started immediately for the soul of your parent/relative.

Magen Rachel provides for a fee:

+ Kaddish recited 3 times daily for the entire year of mourning (11 months)
+ Mishnayot recited by a minyan (quorum) of 10 men, daily for 12 months
+ Mishnayot recited by a specific person exclusively for your relative, for 12 months